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 | The Light Enthralled by The Darkness |  | |
3 books, 66 chapters, 1600 pages, M/M dark romance, fantasy, age difference, power imbalance, racial discrimination, school, angst, master/student, jealousy, possessive behavior, slow burn,
obsession, enemies to lovers
Summary: His name is Darren, he lives in a shelter and in a society divided into castes, he belongs to the worst of them - to the caste of the Black Mongrels - the poorest, the filthiest scrubs living in the lands of Helion. Though even among them, he's a misfit and an outcast - because of his demonic eyes and the curse he carries within himself.
He's the Cursed One. The spawn of the Evil One. The seed of the Lord of Darkness and Evil.
He spent a part of his life in the darkness. He learned to breathe with it and to live in it, and he knows he should stay in it forever, because he has no right to live after what he's done.
His life changes when he's accepted to an elite school of Helion, and for a while he hopes that he has finally found a place to belong. However, his hopes are dashed when he meets a man who is the true embodiment of evil and who makes his life even more unbearable; a man who seems to hate Darren, yet who can't take his eyes off him. Darren needs to learn to fight to be able to live in this world that wants to crush him at all costs, to untangle the complex knot of obsession Master Varis drowns him in, and to find out the truth about his past.
Chapter 1 - "The Black Mongrel"
Chapter 2 - "The Stranger"
Chapter 3 - "Master Wolverson"
Chapter 4 - "The Cursed One"
Chapter 10 - "Mortuus School"
Chapter 13 - "Lesson of Poisons"
Comment from K.S. Morgan to "The Black Mongrel":
I finished the first book, and I can't tell you how in love I am. This is exactly the story I was hoping to see from you. The world you created is so interesting: I adore Darren and I'm completely enthralled by Varis. Discrimination and harsh treatment of Darren were so tough to see, and I admire Darren's inner strength at being able to withstand this all. Varis is terrifying. I feel like you took the idea of Snape and turned him into an evolved, darker, crueler, much more interesting version of an original character. I was holding my breath every time they interacted, and the final scenes where he saves Darren, protects him, gives him support, even though he's still harsh and scary - I swooned. It was perfect.
I'm sure I missed a lot in this regard, though, because when I'm reading something really exciting for the first time, I have no patience for anything but the plot I'm most interested in. So I was jumping from line to line desperately in search of yet another Darren/Varis scene. I'll be re-reading everything properly soon, so I'll be able to say more. As of now, I felt very sad and aggrieved about the situation of Black Mongrels. The fact that they have no rights at all, that they are all constantly mistreated... some moments were very tough emotionally, and the way everyone treats Darren makes me so mad. I can't wait for all assholes to eat their insults.
The mythology you created is fascinating, like when Darren was reading that book where the deities are represented as humans (I think?) The pictures were so vivid that I almost lingered long enough to read everything attentively, but then my impatience chased me forward, lol. I wonder where you are planning to take the plot, what's up with Darren - from the way the headmaster acts, it feels like Darren is someone who can change things on a massive scale.
Chapter 4 - "In the Rain"
Chapter 13 - "His Gaze"
Comment from K.S. Morgan to "The Cursed One":
I finished reading the second book now! I spent the majority of the night and the entire day reading it, devouring it, ignoring my work and anything else. I really couldn't stop, the tale you weaved is so fascinating, so powerful and beautiful, I enjoyed every single second, it's like my dream come true.
Well, the absolutely crazy sexual tension between Darren and Varis filled every page. It was such an incredible sensation - it was suffocating, overwhelming, all-consuming. The air between these two is electrified
I can see what you meant about these two being different from Snape and Harry. In DI, Harry understood his attraction, and their relationship quickly became physical. The new books are a slow-burn - a fantastic, tickling, intense slow burn that's been driving me crazy. Yes, the differences are obvious, and the similarities mainly come from what you enjoy as authors, such as obsessive characters, possessiveness, etc. I actually found myself preferring the dynamic between Darren and Varis to the one between Snape and Harry, which is shocking because DI remains one of my most favorite works ever! I can't wait to see where your imagination leads you.
I absolutely adore how your focus lies on Darren and Varis's bond in particular. Darren is so lovely in how innocent and clueless he is, how he has just begun to barely understand the very basics of attraction (though these feelings still feel completely alien to him). Honestly, poor Varis, lol, I was so certain he'd explode at some point from all the feelings. Obviously, there is a lot of background I'm not aware of, but I felt like for Varis, it was intense lust from the first sight. I also felt like he was so not used to feeling anything like this that he keeps taking it out on Darren by being especially cruel and harsh, blaming him for his own weakness.
In the second half of the second book, he seemed to accept it more, and I loved seeing his softening attitude. You created such a unique interesting dynamic: they still have an absolutely horrifying and unequal relationship, Varis is still one of the biggest tormentors for Darren, and yet they are as close to friends to each other as they could be - they aren't this close to anyone else. I loved it so much. All the moments where Varis protects him, where he shows concern and care - something Darren's own Master keeps consistently missing; all the situations where Varis applies stricter and stricter measures to punish Darren's attackers. Can't wait to see where it goes next because I imagine that Varis' feelings will keep gaining power.
I like how Joel tries to be supportive, even though he's so ignorant, and I especially love how he comments on Varis' obsession with Darren. Seeing such an electrifying obsession through someone else's eyes always gives me a boost. I love it.
I really like that you chose Poisons for Varis. This is so much fitting that Potions or something similar would be; I love the whole division into assassins, scouts, and others, and I love the image Varis makes - such a dangerous, cruel, lethal predator, capable of moving soundlessly, of killing someone before this person has a chance to realize anything. The comparisons with spiders are so on point. I enjoyed every moment of him stalking Darren - and using his bird for it! The scene where he watched him sleep for a long time under the tree gave me chills. This is the perfect kind of character, everything I ever wanted to see in my dark romances. Also, I know it's terrible, but I enjoyed the moment where Darren got cut because of the Mongrel servant and Varis hit him and promised to flog him with such scorn, so clearly separating that poor boy from Darren, even though they represent the same class. Made me all tingly.
I'm feeling drunk on your magnificent story. It deserves all praise and love in the world, I wish I was a millionaire so that I could just give you those millions for you to write and write. Thank you so much for your talent.
Chapter 1 - "Celebration Feast"
3 księgi, 66 rozdziałów, 1600 stron, M/M mroczny romans, fantastyka, różnica wieku, dominacja, dyskryminacja rasowa, szkoła, angst, mistrz/uczeń, zazdrość, obsesja, slow burn, possessive behavior, enemies to lovers
Opis: Ma na imię Darren, mieszka w sierocińcu i w społeczeństwie podzielonym na kasty, należy do najgorszej z nich - do kasty Czarnych Mongreli - najbiedniejszych, najbrudniejszych mieszańców zamieszkujących krainy Helionu. Choć nawet wśród nich jest odmieńcem i wyrzutkiem - z powodu swoich demonicznych oczu i klątwy, którą nosi w sobie.
Jest Przeklętym. Pomiotem Złego. Plugawym nasieniem Tenebrae - Pana Ciemności i Zła.
Część swojego życia spędził w ciemności. Nauczył się nią oddychać i w niej żyć. Ciemność stała się częścią jego istnienia i wie, że powinien w niej pozostać na zawsze, ponieważ po tym, co zrobił, nie ma prawa żyć.
Jego życie zmienia się, gdy zostaje przyjęty do elitarnej szkoły Mortuus i przez jakiś czas ma nadzieję, że w końcu znalazł swoje miejsce. Jednak na swojej drodze spotka człowieka, który jest prawdziwym wcieleniem zła i który sprawi, że jego życie stanie się jeszcze cięższe i trudniejsze do zniesienia. ; mężczyznę, który zdaje się nienawidzić Darrena, a mimo to nie może oderwać od niego wzroku. Darren będzie musiał nauczyć się walczyć, aby być w stanie przeżyć w tym świecie, który pragnie go tylko zmiażdżyć, aby rozplątać misternie uplecioną pajęczynę obsesji, w którą wciągnął go Mistrz Varis i aby odnaleźć prawdę o swojej przeszłości.
Rozdział 1 - "Czarny Mongrel"
Rozdział 2 - "Nieznajomy"
Rozdział 3 - "Mistrz Wolverson"
Rozdział 4 - "Przeklęty"
Rozdział 10 - "Szkoła Mortuus"
Rozdział 13 - "Lekcja Trucizn"
Rozdział 4 - "W Deszczu"
Rozdział 13 - "Jego spojrzenie"
Rozdział 1 - "Przyjęcie"
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